setembro 12, 2022 Por Haras Vista Verde

Resultados do JC Sorocaba dia 10/09/22

Sábado, dia 10/09/2022, aconteceu no Jockey Club de Sorocaba a final do Grande Prêmio Brasil – II Prova da Tríplice Coroa, com a apresentação da invicta Miss Isao JQM, que ao vencer marcou sua 8a. vitória – invicta.

Corremos com o potro de nossa criação, DUBLIN VERDE nesta final. Potro de propriedade de PEPE SAND. A torcida nossa era para um terceiro lugar, e com uma corrida incrível, DUBLIN VERDE chegou em segundo, tornando-se Vice-Campeão do GP Brasil 2022.

Tivemos também as classificatórias do GP Taça de Prata para animais com menos de 85 de índice de Velocidade, onde 6 animais se classificaram (pintado de azul na relação abaixo).

Veja os resultados:

Postado em:  
setembro 12, 2022 Por Haras Vista Verde

Relação de animais inscritos para as corridas de 2023 no JC Sorocaba

Coluna Amarela = GRAN PRIX = 360 animais

Coluna Azul = BRAZILIAN FUTURITY = 132 animais

Coluna Verde = MEGARACE = 123 animais

Coluna Laranja = GP POTRO DO FUTURO = 169 animais

Postado em:  
setembro 12, 2022 Por Haras Vista Verde

Descanse em paz meu amigo JARBAS

Jarbas é talvez uma das pessoas mais sérias que conheci em minha vida. Honesto, 100% correto, e por isso foi superintendente do STUD BOOK da ABQM por 26 anos.

Por este mesmo motivo, quando Presidente do Jockey Club de Sorocaba, convidamos JARBAS para integrar o time da Comissão de Corridas.

Neste fim de semana, D us chamou-o para pertinho de si. Mais um justo que sobe aos céus. Faleceu fazendo o que gostava: montando a cavalo, teve um infarto e morreu sem sentir nenhum sofrimento.

Inspetora da ABQM, era o Sr. Jarbas que fazia as resenhas dos potrinhos nascidos no Vista Verde para registro na ABQM. Sentiremos sua falta meu grande amigo.

Dr. Jarbas registrando nossos potrinhos de 2021.
Postado em:  
setembro 09, 2022 Por Haras Vista Verde

Porquê a potra que fez o melhor tempo nas classificatórias não correu a final?

Uma dúvida paira no ar. Porquê a potranca que fez o melhor tempo entre os 305 animais que disputaram as classificatórias do ALL AMERICAN FUTURITY não correu a final no último fim de semana?

Os proprietários dizem que foi uma decisão política por eles terem feito uma inalação com água e sal no dia da corrida, e que dizem ser proibido, mas não estava claro.

Já a AQHA diz que tem uma Equipe de Integridade, que fiscaliza en loco, os animais em uma operação gerenciada pela Comissão de Corridas do Novo México…. Ainda vai dar o que falar…

Dos proprietários:

Well I would like y’all to know the story from the beginning. Our filly was purchased at the heritage place sale for $10,000. We began training her shortly after and she had a few things to work through in the beginning due to dental issues but we managed to get through it. She started out in a schooling race and she won very easily. We knew then we might possibly have something very special. Moving forward she qualified for every single futurity we ran her in and won the Old South. This filly earned her own way and deserved to race in the biggest quarter horse race in the world. No one really paid attention to her coming into the trials as far as the politics in Ruidoso. They felt as if a $10,000 purchase running at a different level would not be a threat. However when we set the fastest qualifying time of all the horses it opened there eyes.

We really enjoyed spending time up here and felt so blessed by god to be in the position especially the way Jes An Angel returned back to her awesome self after the trials. She is 100% sound. They would of had there work cut out to beat her in the finals. It truly was a chance for a great story to be written. We believe it would of helped the racehorse industry so much and the big picture that we believe god was trying to show us that anything is possible if you continue to have faith. No words can explain how much it would of changed this industry allowing more people who want to be in this business the opportunity to see they don’t have to spend a lot of money to have a great time doing this.

Now I will explain how the politics kept us from running. We purchased a nebulizer and saline solution “which is basically salt water” from a vet at this track. We had been administering it for over a month every day. We administered it the morning of the race which they say is not allowed the morning of the race however when you read the rule this is not clear. We take full responsibility in using the saline solution on race day but they pounced on it giving them the opportunity they had been waiting on to keep her from running the race. Keep in mind we paid the $50,000 to get her in. They had several options on how to handle this situation and scratching her was the most extreme. This could of been a wonderful story and a great opportunity for the quarter horse industry and could of brought many new owners with the hope faith and the dream and the blessings from god to experience what should be a great feeling. But they missed their opportunity because politics were more important than the hope and the dream and let’s not forget maybe the most their pride which is the politics. We know god has something greater and bigger in store he is not finished with his works That got us to the finals of the all American.


Jes An Angel, a Jess Zoomin filly that won the Old South Futurity
on May 21 and had been the overall fastest qualifier for the All American
Futurity, was scratched from the final of the race on Monday morning.
In the official chart, she is listed as a Steward scratch.
Members of the AQHA’s integrity team were seen at the horse’s barn
Monday morning. Later in the morning, the horse that had three different
trainers in seven outs, was scratched by the stewards. Owner/breeder
Lance Moore supplemented Jes An Angel into the trials for $50,000.
“The AQHA helps deploy investigators, known as the AQHA
Integrity Team, to assist the presiding jurisdiction with boots on the
ground to ensure rules are being followed. The operation is managed
entirely by the New Mexico Racing Commission,” AQHA Chief Racing
Officer Janet VanBebber told TRACK.
“Izzy Trejo, the New Mexico Racing Commission Executive
Director, said investigators found an infringement of New Mexico Racing
Commission rules and the horse was scratched.

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