No haras de um grande amigo meu, nasceu o Glock Verde, filho de YANKEE VERDE.
GLOCK VERDE (Yankee Verde x Check n Fetch, por Check Him Out)
Este amigo embarcou no trailer, potro e mãe para virem ao nosso haras, estavam vindo, quando o trailer se “desgarrou” da caminhonete e caiu da ponte, numa altura de 15 metros.
A égua e o potrinho conseguiram se desamarrar e sair do trailer e nadar até a margem, com a ajuda da correnteza do Rio.
Foram resgatados pelos ribeirinhos, e entregues salvos ao motorista.
Retornaram sãos e salvos ao Haras, apenas com um cortezinho na testa.
D us existe! D us salva. Só a “mão d le” pôde salvar, potro e égua.
$195,200, Los Alamitos, March 26, 3 yo, 400 yards 1. Hes Chickless, sor . c. 3, by Hes Relentless–Chickitita, by Tac It Like a Man, 2. Party Politics, sor . g. 3, by Apollitical Jess–Shanachee, by Country Chicks Man, 3. Mahomes Magic, ch . c. 3, by Favorite Cartel–Heartbeat, by Tres Seis
Oklahoma Futurity – Comentário: Em primeiro e terceiro, netos paternos de PYC PAINT YOUR WAGON consagrado “sire of sires” (pai de Garanhões). $533,270, Remington Park, March 25, 2 yo, 300 yards 1. Pyc Legacy, b . g. 2, by Pyc Fun N Fancy–Issys Legacy, by Tailgunner Tom, 2. Dashin Hocks, b . g. 2, by Kiss My Hocks–Braggin N Dashin, by Dashin Bye, 3. Pearl Hart, ch . f. 2, by Freighttrain B–Legyslator, by Apollitical Jess.
Los Alamitos Oaks – Comentário: KISS MY HOCKS, filho de TEMPTIN DASH se destacando na reprodução. Alojado no LAZY E RANCH. $461,500, Los Alamitos, March 25, 3 yo, 400 yards 1. Cartel Kisses, br . f. 3, by Kiss My Hocks–Midnight Cartel, by Carters Cartel, 2. Candys Special Power, sor . f. 3, by Power Jam-TB–Candys Special Wagon, by Pyc Paint Your Wagon, 3. Mid Knight Flash, b . f. 3, by First Moonflash–Weownthenite, by Walk Thru Fire.
Mardi Gras Futurity $365,080, Louisiana Downs, March 25, 2 yo, 300 yards 1. San Lorenzo Blood, br . f. 2, by Apollitical Blood–Ms Valiant Perry, by Valiant Hero, 2. Eyesa Just Pretty, b . f. 2, by Carters Cartel–Eye Craft-TB, by Songandaprayer-TB, 3. Hijack a Train, br . g. 2, by Freighttrain B–Newport Lily, by Stoli.
Louisiana Downs Open Futurity – Comentário: PYC PAINT YOUR WAGON se destacando como avô materno, novamente. $339,046, Louisiana Downs, March 25, 2 yo, 300 yards 1. Chendo, sor . g. 2, by Rc Me Leaving You–Ms Otoole, by Stoli, 2. Dollar Bill, sor . g. 2, by Kiss My Hocks–Jakes Painted Wagon, by Pyc Paint Your Wagon, 3. Whirlaway Party, b . f. 2, by Whirlaway Red–Lil Miss Party Doll, by Pyc Paint Your Wagon.
West Texas Maturity– Comentário: Veja bem o NO SECRETS HERE, se comprovando como avô materno produtor de vencedor clássico.
$104,237, Sunland Park, March 25, 3 yo’s & up, 400 yards 1. Shakers No Secret, gr . g. 3, by Five Bar Cartel–Shaker Secret, by No Secrets Here, 2. Valiant Charm, br . g. 4, by Valiant Hero–Charmin Chief Corona, by Chief Corona, 3. Mitey Political, sor . g. 7, by Apollitical Jess–Mitey Moon, by First Moonflash.
Eastex S. – Comentário: LOOK HER OVER, mãe do 3o. colocado é irmã materna de nossa OH LA HAWK. $58,000, Remington Park, March 25, 3 yo’s & up, 350 yards 1. Head Patron, ch . g. 4, by Zoomin for Bux–Dash Leader, by Special Leader, 2. Apollitical Payoff, b . g. 4, by Apollitical Jess–Seis the Royal Cash, by Tres Seis, DH-3. Hesa Party Wagon, b . g. 5, by Hes Relentless–Lil Miss Party Doll, by Pyc Paint Your Wagon, DH-3: Watch Out, sor . g. 4, by Fly Thru the Fire–Look Her Over, by Check Him Out.
Oklahoma Juvenile S.– Comentário: FLYING COWBOY 123, em sua primeira geração correndo (Freshman Sire), já vem se destacando produzindo Stake Placed. $50,000, Remington Park, March 25, 2 yo, 300 yards 1. Im Passing B, gr . c. 2, by Freighttrain B–Splendifferous, by Mr Jess Perry, 2. Famous Cartelcowgirl, sor . f. 2, by Flying Cowboy 123–Famous Cartel Lady, by Corona Cartel, 3. Dance Hawl Gal, sor . f. 2, by Duponte–Jess a Coronas Heart, by Corona Cartel.
Four Horsemen Maiden S. $29,000, Rillito, March 25, 3 yo’s & up, 300 yards 1. Go Seis Jr, b . g. 5, by Go Seis–Fly by Traffic, by Strawfly Special, 2. Lolo Machete Blue, b . g. 4, by Leading Texan–Jess a Blue Tac, by Jess Louisiana Blue, 3. Fire Wall, b . f. 3, by Seperate Interest–Sex On Fire, by Walk Thru Fire.
Louisiana Downs Maiden Classic S. $107,000, Louisiana Downs, March 24, 3 yo’s & up, 350 yards 1. The Heroine, gr . f. 3, by Valiant Hero–Leverage Separtist, by Separatist, 2. Jet Black Moon, br . g. 4, by Jet Black Patriot–Jess a Martini, by Swingin Jess, 3. Blood N Coronas, b . f. 3, by Apollitical Blood–Lil Southern Corona, by Coronas Leaving You.
Billy Montgomery S. $25,000, Louisiana Downs, March 24, 4 yo’s & up, 330 yards 1. Jess Dash Fast, br . f. 4, by Heza Fast Dash–Eyejesslovelouisiana, by Mr Jess Perry, 2. San Lorenzo Dash, sor . f. 4, by Heza Fast Dash–San Lorenzo Eagle, by One Famous Eagle, 3. Featured Prospect, b . m. 5, by Prospect to the Top–Sheza Fast Feature, by Separatist Baby.